T is graduating from 8th grade this today. We are all so proud of how hard she has worked to improve her grades this year. This past weekend she had her 8th grade trip to Splashtown (a Texas waterpark). She was in need of a big over-the-shoulder bag that coordinated with her new coral, white, and black bathing suit. Enter my need to sew for everyone.
Mama helped me a little with this project, since I had no real pattern and we wanted to pleat the top. The bag is completely reversible. And, as she requested the straps are ungodly long, so as to hit her on the hip.
You can see below that it holds quite a bit! Her shoes, a couple of towels, sunscreen, hair stuff, a change of clothes, sunglasses, baggies for the wet suit after, and all the other odds and ends that you need for a day trip to the waterpark.
It really turned out wonderfully, unlike the original I did before Mama got there. That one resembled a papoose with straps that were way to long. Unfortunately, we got so caught up in making a new one, we forgot to take a picture of the mistake bag before we took it apart for the straps. lol Oops, my bad! Just know that we all screw up, even when we think we know what we're doing.
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